
Newborn Photography

June 18, 2024

gorgeous couple cuddling with their sleeping newborn

Newborn Photography – A Natural Approach

Newborn Photography is incredibly popular nowadays. It is easy to see why new parents are keen to book in a newborn photoshoot. Newborn Photography offers us a “once in a lifetime” opportunity to photograph your baby in those precious early newborn days.  It is true what people say, that these newborn days really do go so fast. Babies change so quickly & newborn photography allows us to capture the gorgeous newborn magic on camera.

The Newborn Phase

Apparently, the newborn phase lasts for a baby’s first 28 days of life (WHO) — that is, the first month after birth. Crazy isn’t it? After 28 days your baby is no longer classed as brand new? 28 days to soak up that brand new freshness that only a newborn can bring. Whilst I don’t believe that to be totally true, you will see huge changes in your baby with each passing day, week and month. I love to see newborns within that 28 day window and if you are feeling up to it – within the first two weeks. However, whenever we photograph your newborn – it will be perfect.  What I love about this newborn phase is that glorious curl. You know, when you lift them out of the car seat and they are still curled up. They are just so snuggable. Add to that – the beautiful milky smell and the squeaks. Pure magic.


Which style of Newborn Photography is for you?

This is an important question you must ask yourself. Because done well, your newborn photographs should stand the test of time and be able to capture memories that you are proud to show off in years to come. I truly believe that my natural newborn photoshoots are timeless but this is just my opinion because I love my style. You might not feel the same way. I see Newborn Photography as an art –  especially if it is done well. Anyone can pick up a camera and take photos of a baby. But it really does take a lot of experience and creativity to photograph your newborn in a way that will safely preserve this moment in time for you.  You should be googling “styled and posed newborn photography” as well as “natural newborn photography” – so you can understand and appreciate the difference. There are some wonderful styled newborn photographers who create beautiful portraits so do your research. Jump across to my newborn page and check out some more of my work. Click here.

Natural Newborns

Ultimately, I like to focus on a natural, simple and gently posed approach. I believe that babies are perfect as they are. For me, anything overly stylised tends to take a way from the simplicity of a newborn. Please take a look around my site and see if we are on the same wavelength. I find the clients that choose me have a very relaxed approached to life. They understand that their newborn is unique. They want stunning photographs where all the focus is on baby.

Have you more questions about the newborn photoshoot process? Read a recent blog post here!

When to book

In an ideal world, you would book me after your 20 week scan. This will ensure that I have space for you. You will let me know your due date and we use this as a guide. Then once baby is born then we actually confirm the date of the photoshoot. This is the best way to ensure your newborn photoshoot happens with me. However, sometimes people do not realise that they want a photoshoot until baby arrives. So if this is you, just pop me a message through the contact form and we will do our best to make this happen.

Click here for the contact form.

How much is it to book a newborn photoshoot?

At the time of booking I ask for a £75 deposit. This reserves your session and is non refundable. To get a full list of my collections, please contact me and I will send it on!

Special offer

Reserve your photoshoot before 30 weeks of pregnancy to receive £25 off your session. Quote “early booker”.


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My clients adore my dedicated baby photography studio. It is perfectly compact and ideal for little baby feet. Painted in white & limewash it is a tranquil peaceful setting for your shoot. 

My newborn & baby photography studio is based in Macclesfield, Cheshire and is a gorgeous space within my garden. Calming and peaceful, it immediately sets you at ease. Natural neutral tones throughout it perfectly encapsulates everything the LIGHT/LIFE stands for & provides the perfect atmosphere for your perfect session.

newborn photoshoot


Just when is the right time to book your newborn photoshoot & what can I expect from it?